
How Long To Cook Cabbage Steaks In Air Fryer

Air fryer seasoned cabbage on a small plate.

Cooked and seasoned cabbage served on a plate.

The finished air fryer cabbage served on a plate.

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Air Fryer Cabbage – A quick and piece of cake seasoned air fryer cabbage recipe featuring cabbage steaks flavored with a uncomplicated blend of spices and prepared in your air fryer.

Lately, Kim and I take been working on recipes for our air fryer. While it'south not the about used appliance in our kitchen, we all the same love working with the automobile.

We already have 3 air fryer recipes, our seasoned air fryer home chips, air fryer tortilla chips, and our air fryer asparagus. I recommend that yous requite those options a try.

For today'south recipe, nosotros're sharing this air fryer cabbage recipe. As the name implies, it's a uncomplicated, tasty cabbage recipe prepared in your fryer.

A close-up view of the air fryer cabbage.

How to brand Air Fryer Cabbage:

First, wash the cabbage and dry it off. After that, piece the vegetable into 1-inch thick steaks.

Now, combine the garlic pulverisation, onion powder, seasoned common salt, and black pepper in small basin. Mix them together.

A 1-inch thick cabbage steak on a dark plate.

Next, drizzle each steak with an oil of your choice. Simply be sure to choose an oil that tin handle high rut cooking.

Oil being drizzled over the cabbage.

Then, sprinkle the vegetable with the spice alloy you created during step one. Preheat the air fryer to 350°F.

The spices have been added to the vegetable.

Once the air fryer is preheated, place a cabbage steak into the handbasket and let information technology cook for 8-minutes for tender cabbage.

The cabbage steak placed into the machine.

When one cabbage steak is washed, remove it from the basket. Repeat the cooking steps until all half-dozen cabbage steaks have been cooked.

Last, serve the air fryer cabbage with any main course you love or summit it with bluish cheese and devour. That'due south it, the recipe is washed! Kim and I promise you bask the veggie and nosotros wish y'all all the all-time 🙂

The cabbage has cooked and is ready to serve.

Air Fryer Cabbage Steaks Tips:

  • If the cabbage "steaks" are thicker than 1-inch, the fourth dimension may need to be increased to ensure the cabbage cooks in the center.
  • The cook time may need to be adjusted for more than or less time depending on how well you lot similar the cabbage cooked.
  • Typically, yous will but be able to fit one steak into the air fryer handbasket at a time. Work in multiple batches until all the cabbage steaks have been cooked.

How long practise y'all air fry cabbage?

For tender cabbage steaks (1-inch thick), we recommend you air fry the cabbage for 8 minutes per steak (when the machine is preheated to 350°F).

How do you roast cabbage in an air fryer?

To roast cabbage steaks in an air fryer, preheat the machine to 425°F. Cut the cabbage into 1-inch steaks and brush them with oil (canola, olive, etc.). Sprinkle each steak with desired seasonings and roast for four-half dozen minutes each steak.

Four pieces of cooked cabbage on a white plate.

Prep Time 10 minutes

Cook Time 48 minutes

Preheat Fourth dimension 4 minutes

Total Time 1 hour ii minutes


  • i Head Cabbage, (cutting into 1-inch steaks)
  • 2 Tablespoons Oil, (avocado, canola, olive, etc.)
  • one Teaspoon Garlic Powder
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Onion Powder
  • 1/4 Teaspoon Seasoned Salt
  • ane/four Teaspoon Black Pepper


  1. In a small bowl, mix together the garlic powder, onion powder, seasoned salt, and pepper.
  2. Drizzle a picayune oil over each cabbage steak and spread it evenly over the surface of the cabbage. Sprinkle the cabbage steaks with seasoning mixture.
  3. Preheat the air fryer to 350° F. by turning information technology on either roast or bake. After the air fryer preheats, work in batches and place the cabbage steaks into the basket of the air fryer, and cook for viii minutes.
  4. Remove the steaks from the air fryer, and bask immediately.


The calories listed are an approximation based on the ingredients in the recipe carte and a serving size of 1 cabbage steak (1-inch in thickness). Bodily calories volition vary. Leftovers tin be stored in a sealed container, in your fridge, for upward to 3-days.

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:

i Steak

Amount Per Serving: Calories: 82 Total Fat: 5g Saturated Fat: 1g Unsaturated Fat: 0g Sodium: 125mg Carbohydrates: 9g Fiber: 4g Sugar: 5g Protein: 2g


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